
Zsolt Fehér
Don’t get me wrong, I admire what those guys did during the last 15 years. How they changed the world of searching for information, how they have disrupted the advertising business and earning close to one quarter of every dollar spent on advertising around the globe. (Though as was told me by one of my...
Modern media are becoming vast source of information about people just simply because people are spending more and more of their time online. According to global web index research, we spend 6 hours from our day online and social media plays an important role in it. Recruiting researchers are looking through Linkedin’s 400 million users to find...
Three things are really important in the HR metrics of your company: 1, employee potential, 2, employee reputation, 3, and employee performance. If an employee has low potential but high reputation, and produces results, he should be retained. Once reputation (the opinion co-workers have about that employee) becomes low, that employee is suddenly in danger. If...
( from an interview with me at People Management Forum’s HR Forum July-August edition) You will be speaking at the World HR laboratory in Prague. What topic will you present? The last three years showed the importance of Big Data analysis. In practice, however, we see that this process is stopped at a certain stage....
(Article: Dóra Budavári Photo: Orbital Strangers) June 2015 Page 50-52. It’s our company’s story where we talk about 1, our company’s story 🙂 2, the way how we help multinational and local companies in pharma/energy/telco/bank-insurance industry to make better people related decisions, meanwhile grow by growing human capital 2, proper HR management is important in...
I have gone through the airport security check rigamarole at least 500 times: Notebook out, belt off, no liquids. Sometimes shoes off, sometimes all liquids in a separate plastic bag, cords out or pants down… (Well that happend only once…) It’s all for the good of passengers! Its all for the good of the passangers?...
A few years ago, I took a year long sommelier (wine expert) course offered by the Gastronomic College of Hungary.  This experience was a kind of turnaround in my life, making me ask myself why I did not take this course ten years ago. Anyway, let’s enjoy whatever is ahead of us; since I completed...
What would happen if all the Hungarians living in London would move back to Hungary at once? We could create a new district in Budapest, called New London, and give the immigrant Hungarians a special tax allowance. Can you imagine the economic effect? 200,000 estimated Hungarians living in London. Mostly talented and educated people, certainly...
For the betterment of the world women need to be involved. We have recently completed research in several countries, including our very own, Hungary, one of our neighbors, Romania, and two role models: the US and Australia. We focused on the differences and similarities between man and women in leadership and have compared national results...
I have seen all the movies that has been shortlisted for the Academy Award. The winner, „The King’s Speech”, is simple, boring, British nonsense (with the always brilliant Rush, but he is an Aussie). „Inception” is great action, but no motivation. „The Fighter” is nothing more than „Rocky” light. „Black Swan” is nice, but I...
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