My opinion about Adam Neumann’s bright side in Forbes

Another opinion of mine in Forbes

Ezért ne vegyünk fel valakit csak azért, mert megmászta a Mount Everestet

My article in Forbes (HUN)

2020 megmutathatja, milyen karrierút lehet a megfelelő számunkra

The Key to Economic Survival: Your Hiring Practices

Just a month ago, large companies in competitive industries were seeing a high rate of job turnover. Conversely, if recruitment had stopped a few months ago, the result would have been an almost immediate labor shortage. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy faces serious challenges. But there are also possibilities — this new situation...

Do 90% of startups fail? Is this true, and why?

90% of startups fail. Well. 90% – ok, at least 80% – of anything, including companies, fail, or at least underperform. We know this since the pioneering work of Vilfredo Pareto who in 1906, made the now famous observation that twenty percent of the population owned eighty percent of the property in Italy. This was later...

Does HR need to change in the Digital era? Back to the future, or to the past?

The famous Dutch chess player Jan H. Donner said, “The only way to fight a computer is with a hammer.” This statement from the 1980’s summarizes what many say to those who debate the impact and evolution of computers, followed by the internet and now the full digitalization of our private and business lives. The...

2018 State of the (HR) Union a.k.a it’s time for HR to …(fill the blank or Google it)

One of the perks of flying over the Atlantic in Business is that sometimes you encounter famous people. “Groundhog Day” is one of my favorite movies and seeing Bill Murray sitting just a few rows away made me think about that character, Phil – played by Murray, who has experienced the same day over and...

How to avoid becoming Don Draper

Or, how not to utilize your talent, or its potential What man would NOT want to be Don Draper? Coming to work late, spending only 5 minutes at a meeting while contributing the best ideas. Taking a three-hour lunch, drinking and smoking in the office and having women chase you, even during work hours. The...

TOP 10 HR related predictions for 2017

This post is supposed to be a joke. Or funny at least. Or maybe not? As always it’s time to look into the crystal ball and see what looks back. Anyhow: 2+1+7 is 10. So, Drumroll please! 10 – TOP 10 lists remain popular. The year 2017 will not provide HR officers with any additional...

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